Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Roberts 2DR

Miss Roberts 2DR

Hi! I am Miss Roberts, and I lead KS1. This will be my seventh year teaching at Woodlands Primary School, and I am so excited for another great year at such a fantastic school.
I am passionate about teaching all subjects but I particularly enjoy physical education. I believe that physical activity should be at the heart of all learning in order to promote our personal and academic development.
Mathematics is another favourite subject of mine and I currently lead the subject across our school. Maths should be engaging and fun, and I love helping children develop their confidence and ability in answering arithmetic problems, so that they enjoy the subject as much as I do!
When I am not in school, I like to keep myself busy with exercise. I also enjoy travelling to new cities and countries, and spending time with my family and friends.
I can’t wait to begin our learning journey together in September and learn about all of your interests, hopes and dreams. It is going to be a very exciting year!

Mr Barnes 2PB

Mr Barnes 2PB

Hello everyone! I am Mr Barnes and I have been working at Woodlands Primary School for 17 years across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
I am passionate about the Arts and have led a number of whole school art projects since starting at Woodlands. One of the most successful projects was the one based on the impact of palm oil on animals in Sumatra. It was in association with Chester Zoo and the school looked amazing when completed. The children produced work of such a high standard and more importantly, understood how important it is to look out for products using sustainable palm oil ingredients.
Outside of school, I have two children, Mia, 18 and Charlie who is 16. I enjoy running, cycling, football and most of all, being with my family. I cannot wait to learn more about you, and discover what your passions, hopes and dreams are!
I am very excited to be your new teacher and I cannot wait to help you to be the best you can be!


Year 2|Childwall C of E Primary School


Welcome to Year 2

We are looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year.



Our main text for this half-term is 'Troll Swap', by Leigh Hodgkinson.


 Mastery Targets for Autumn 1:


  • Plan or say out loud what is going to be written about
  • Use full stops and capital letters correctly
  • Use expanded noun phrases to describe
  • Use subordination (because) and coordination (and)


Maths Banner Summer 2 Year 1.jpg


Maths wrm.png

During this half term, we will be completing a unit of work on place value.

Mastery Targets for Autumn 1:

  • Read and write numbers to at least 100
  • Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
  • Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0, forward and backward and in tens from any number
  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number (tens, ones)
  • Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100: use <, > and = signs




Children will have regular Read Write Inc. sessions to continue to develop their reading skills and comprehension skills. If you would like to help your child to practise their phonic knowledge for reading at home, then follow the link for more information.





During Science this half term, we will be learning about animals and humans.

We will:

  • Observe how different animals grow
  • Order and describe the life cycle of animals 
  • Ask questions about what things animals need for survival and to be healthy
  • State the basic needs of animals for survival
  • Describe the importance of exercise, eating the correct amount of different types of foods and hygeine


Geography Banners Stock Illustrations – 2,065 Geography Banners Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


During our geogrpahy sessions this half term, we will be building upon our prior knowledge of 'Where We Belong".

We will:

  • Recap knowledge based on by school and the local area
  • Explore different types of maps
  • Make simple maps based on a story
  • Learn how to use a basic key
  • Follow a route on a prepared map
  • Begin to use locational and directional language
  • Name the four countries and capital cities of the UK

Some useful websites:


P.E Information

Please make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on their PE days: Monday and Friday

Indoor kit: a white t-shirt, black shorts, pumps and socks

Outdoor kit: plain, dark coloured jogging bottoms, a jumper or hoody and outdoor trainers, socks

Please make sure all items of school clothing are clearly labelled and that named water bottles are sent in daily.







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