
Statement of Intent

Our curriculum, and the foundations of our school, is built upon the core tenets of respect, resilience, empathy, self-awareness, passion for learning (botherdness), excellence, communication and teamwork.

At Woodlands Primary School we provide a broad and rich curriculum which promotes a love of learning, personal growth and development through a balance of skills and knowledge.

Co-Jo's, a character education program, embeds our behaviour traits within a number of exciting cross curricular topics based on amazing characters and aspects of their life stories.  The use of Lyfta within our curriculum enables our children to virtually access awe inspiring storyworlds that promotes connection, undertsnding and belonging. 

At the heart of our curriculum, for each year group, each half term, is a quality text, which aims not just to embed English skills but also inspires a love of literature and learning across the curriculum.  Read, Write Inc, used in the Early Years/KS1 phase develops our children's reading skills and embeds and supports a reading for pleasure culture that continues right across our school. Alongiside this, we use White Rose Maths to support the children's mathematical development. 

We believe that, at Woodlands Primary School, the breadth and depth of our curriculum offer, through wide ranging sources of stimuli will support the children in achieving a passion for life long learning that will equip them for life in modern Britain. 

Our curriculum coverage provides:

  • A wide range of experiences which make learning relevant to the pupils.
  • Opportunities for pupils to investigate, make links and apply their skills across the curriculum.
  • Opportunities for pupils to share their learning in a range of ways.

Across all our curriculum we support British Values and aim to encourage the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our pupils.

At Woodlands we believe in developing a humanity rich curriculum where the children feel empowered to make a difference. Our core values as a school community underpin the work we do. 

 At Woodlands, our core principles help to promote a happy and safe community that inspires and challenges everyone where:

  • Each individual is safe
  • Each individual is valued and respected
  • All efforts and achievements are recognised and celebrated
  • Everyone is encouraged to make healthy life style choices
  • Everyone is encouraged to make a positive contribution to the team, individually and collectively




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