School Day


Morning session:        Infants - 8.55am - 12.30pm

                                       Juniors - 8.50am - 12 noon (Y3 & Y5)   8.50am - 12.30pm (Y4 & Y6)

                                       Nursery - 8.45am - 11.45am

Afternoon session:     Infants - 1.15pm - 3.15pm

                                       Juniors - 12.40pm - 3.20pm (Y3 & Y5) 1.10pm - 3.20pm (Y4 & Y6)

                                       Nursery - 12.30pm - 3.30pm

All children are able to enter their classroom from 8.45am each morning.  The hope is that this alleviates traffic congestion. Official start times remain unaltered - 8.50am for Juniors and 8.55am for Infant children.  Please be punctual.


· LATE: If children arrive after 9.00am they should report to the school office , where they will be marked    'late' in the register.

· UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE: Arrival after 9.30am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

We adopt an ‘open door’ policy and your child’s class teacher is usually available at 3.20pm each day to discuss any concerns.  We would ask, if at all possible, that you try to avoid seeing him/her at the start of the school day as teachers need to be free to greet their class and settle children into their daily routines.  If you need to see your child’s class teacher, please call into the office to make an appointment.

If you need to get a message to your child’s class teacher, please call into the school office.


Registers are taken at the start of morning and afternoon sessions. Any child who is not in class at this time will  receive a ‘late’ mark and should report to the Infant/Junior office when they arrive. The school’s registers are checked regularly by the Education Welfare Officer to identify patterns of lateness and absence.  School must be informed of absence on the first day, either by telephone or letter. Any absence not explained is registered as unauthorised.


Monday KS1 10.45am Dr Carr & Y3/4 9.00am, Y5/6 10.30am 

Tuesday KS1 10.45am Mrs Liversey & Y3/4 9.00am, Y5/6 10.30am 

Wednesday KS1 10.45am Teacher Rota & Y3/4 & Y5/6 - no assembly

Thursday KS1 - no assembly & Y3/4 9.00am, Y5/6 10.30am - Singing, Teacher Rota

Friday KS1 10.45am Teacher Rota & Y3/4 9.00am, Y5/6 10.30am (Celebrations)



In general children who are unwell should be kept at home. Please ensure you report your childs absence each day by calling 0151 329 3164, selecting the appropriate option to leave a message. Please leave details of your childs name, class and reason for their absence. 

If there has been any sickness or diarrhoea, they should remain at home for 48 hours after their last episode. For other infectious illness, further advice is available from school.

It is very important that we are kept informed of any changes of address and/or work/mobile telephone numbers in case we need to make contact with you during the school day if your child is unwell.

If your child is prescribed a course of antibiotics, we would recommend that they only return to school when they are fully recovered and that they complete the full course of medicine.   If children do return before this, you will need to complete a medication form from the school office.  As a general rule, school staff are not permitted to administer creams or drops.


As part of our ‘Healthy School’ ethos, we believe it is important that children drink water rather than sugary drinks, so we encourage everyone to bring a small container of water to school, preferably in clear plastic containers with a drinking spout to cut down spillage.  (This is in addition to drinks provided as part of their packed lunches).  The bottles are kept in the classroom and the children are encouraged to drink a little water regularly throughout the day.  Bottles can be washed and refilled each night at home.

Please can you ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on bottles using a permanent marker.


Infant children are provided with a mid-morning snack of either fruit or vegetables each day.

In our Nursery class, we ask for a small monetary contribution towards snack; in Reception classes we ask for a healthy fruit or vegetable contribution each week to provide variety and interest.

We are trying to encourage healthy eating at Woodlands and have recently achieved ‘Healthy School’ status.  We would, therefore, request that you support us and send healthy snacks of fresh/dried fruit or vegetables for Junior children. We respectfully request that no sweets or sticky, sugary snacks are sent, which are  messy and extremely unhealthy, despite being  advertised as ‘fruit’ or ‘health’ bars. Children often have difficulty opening and assembling the pre-packed ‘lunchables’ so try to avoid these if at all possible.